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Following Orders


As I marched down the street

Hurling rocks and abuse

Towards shops and innocents

I told myself

I was following orders 

As I forced them from their homes

As 1 tore children from their mothers' breasts

As families lost their livelihoods and meaning

I told myself

I was following orders 

As I pushed and prodded them

Towards their doom

As I led them and told them to dig

Even when the shots were fired

I told myself

I was just following orders 

As terrified faces come into view

Beckoned by cold iron gates

As I told them to strip and go into the showers

As their screams of despair travelled to my troubled ears

I told myself

I was following orders 

As I told mere boys and girls

To fight against the unbeatable foe

Even when my world was left shattered around me

And the children were swallowed by the red storm

I told myself I followed my orders to the end 

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